Load Json records via the syslog transmission style

If you are syslog, you will follow these instructions instead of the ones found Load Json records via file transmission style.

This discussion assume that you are using rsyslog as your syslog daemon. Also this discussion assume that you have a “master” node where all syslog are collected from your login and compute nodes.

Modify /etc/rsyslog.conf

You will need to modify /etc/rsyslog.conf on your login and compute and master nodes. So on every login and compute node you modify to /etc/rsyslog.conf to have the following lines:

# Send XALT data to "master"
if $programname contains 'XALT_LOGGING' then @@XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW

where XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW is the IP address of “master”. Then on “master“‘s /etc/rsyslog.conf you ship all the XALT logging messages on:

# Send XALT data to XALT VM.
if $programname contains 'XALT_LOGGING' then @AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD

Where you have put in the ip or name of your VM instead of AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD. Note too, that whether you use @@ or @ depends on whether you are using the TCP (@@) or UDP (@) transport protocol.

Setup /etc/rsyslog.conf and log rotation on your VM.

In our /etc/rsyslog.conf file there is a line:

$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf

So we created a file named /etc/rsyslog.d/xalt.conf has the following:

$Ruleset remote
if $programname contains 'XALT_LOGGING_maverick' then /data/log/xalt_maverick.log
if $programname contains 'XALT_LOGGING_stampede2' then /data/log/xalt_stampede2.log
$Ruleset RSYSLOG_DefaultRuleset

# provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp
$InputUDPServerBindRuleset remote
$UDPServerRun 514

Please restart rsyslog so that the new setting will be noticed.

So XALT tags each syslog message with XALT_LOGGING_<syshost> where syshost is the name that you have configured XALT with. On our VM, the /data partition is large so we write the log files there. You WILL have to modify the above to match your site.

You will want to set up log rotation on the these syslog files. Here are ours in /etc/logrotate.d/xalt:

   rotate 20
   create 644 root root
   rotate 20
   create 644 root root

Create directory structure for loading json records

Use the installed XALT on the VM to load the syslog files. Then use the shell script below to read the syslog files in the database. Lets assume that you have installed XALT in the account named swtools, in ~/xalt/xalt on the VM and that you have in the swtools account create the following structure:

$ tree ~/process_xalt/
├── maverick
│   ├── createDB.py -> ../../xalt/xalt/sbin/createDB.py
│   ├── reverseMapD
│   │   ├── xalt_rmapT.json
│   └── xalt_maverick_db.conf
├── stampede2
    ├── createDB.py -> ../../xalt/xalt/sbin/createDB.py
    ├── reverseMapD
    │   ├── xalt_rmapT.json
    └── xalt_stampede2_db.conf

The point of this structure is to have a location for each cluster your site is saving and a location where the reverseMap file, xalt_rmapT.json is located.

You will have to have a cron job which builds the reverseMap daily on each cluster. Then that file will have to be copied or somehow made available on the VM.

Create script to process syslog data from XALT

Add this script in the ~swtools which loads the syslog files after you have modified this script to match your site by setting GCC_PATH and GCC_LIB_PATH as necessary. Lets assume that this script is called “store_xalt_data”:

# -*- shell-script -*-

# Set GCC_PATH to a g++ with supports C++ 11
# Set GCC_LIB_PATH to the shared libraries that the g++ needs to support C++ 11
# Set PY_PATH to a python that has support for python-MySQL package.

export PATH=$SWTOOLS/xalt/xalt/bin:$SWTOOLS/xalt/xalt/sbin:$GCC_PATH:$PY_PATH:$PATH

store_xalt_data ()
    shift 1;
    for log in "$@"; do
        echo xalt_syslog_to_db.py --syslog $log --syshost $cluster --reverseMapD $clusterDir/reverseMapD --leftover $clusterDir/leftover.log --confFn $clusterDir/xalt_${cluster}_db.conf
             xalt_syslog_to_db.py --syslog $log --syshost $cluster --reverseMapD $clusterDir/reverseMapD --leftover $clusterDir/leftover.log --confFn $clusterDir/xalt_${cluster}_db.conf
        echo "date: $(date)"

echo "Start Date: $(date)"

store_xalt_data "$@"

Automate processing of syslog records from XALT

As root run the script that you created in step 6.3. Assuming that your clusters are name maverick and stampede2 you would run them as follows and assuming that the syslog files are in /data/log:

$ ~swtools/process_xalt/store_xalt_data maverick  /data/log/xalt_maverick.log-*;
$ ~swtools/process_xalt/store_xalt_data stampede2 /data/log/xalt_stampede2.log-*;

Once you have the process setup you can delete the syslog files.