XALT's environment variables ---------------------------- There are a few environment variables that must be set in order for XALT to work correctly. **XALT_EXECUTABLE_TRACKING** : This variable must be set to **yes** otherwise there is no XALT tracking **XALT_DIR** : This directory is the base directory where XALT is installed on your system. This is the directory that contains bin, include, lib, lib64, etc. **LD_PRELOAD** : This path like variable contains the path to the libxalt_init.so file. **XALT_SAMPLING** : This variable should be set to **yes** unless you are testing XALT. **COMPILER_PATH** : For the gnu and intel compilers this needs to be set to the bin directory containing the **ld** program from XALT. **XALT_SCALAR_TRACKING** : Normally configured to be **yes** it can be overridden by an environment variable. *yes* is on and anything else is off. **XALT_MPI_TRACKING** : Normally configured to be **yes** it can be overridden by an environment variable. *yes* is on and anything else is off. **XALT_GPU_TRACKING** : Can be configured to be **yes** it can be overridden by an environment variable. **yes** is on and anything else is off. **XALT_SIGNAL_HANDLER** : Normally XALT disables the signal handler to catch FPE, etc. Setting this variable to **yes** enables this feature. Debugging variables for XALT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **XALT_TRACING** : This variable allows for debugging the actions of XALT. This variable can take several values: *link* : This will tracing the linking steps and write the results to stderr. *link:* : This will write the XALT link tracing to . (e.g. **link\:linker.log** will write the tracing to the file **linker.log** instead of stderr) *yes* : This will tracing the execution of a program under XALT. This gives the most information. This option will report whether an execution will be tracked or why not. *yes0* : This will tracing the execution of a program under XALT but only for task 0. This option will report whether an execution will be tracked or why not for task 0. *run* : This shows output just like *yes* except that there is only output when the executable is acceptable by the path test and it is task 0. Special Debugging variables for XALT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **XALT_TESTING_RUNTIME** : If this variable is set, XALT uses it to be the runtime for the executable instead of the real runtime. Obviously this is useful when testing the sampling rules. **XALT_COMM_WORLD_SIZE** : If this variable is set, XALT will use this value as the number of MPI tasks. Note that it won't affect the number of real MPI tasks. **XALT_MPI_ALWAYS_RECORD** : XALT will use this env. variable instead of the configured value. **XALT_DUMP_ENV** : Setting this variable to **yes** will print the current environment to stderr. Environment variable pushed by XALT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **XALT_RUN_UUID** : The current run uuid created by XALT. This is used by programs such as python, R and MATLAB so that they know what executable has been called. Program like python can track imports. This env. variable is part of that mechanism. **XALT_DIR** : The location of the XALT programs **XALT_DATE_TIME** : The current date and time of when the current executable was started.